RUM - Royal University of the Midrealm
Teaching 2 classes:
Unshin: Sashiko and Boro
How to make a pattern from an existing garment.
Classes I am teaching at RUM Nov 2024
Unshin - Japanese sewing arts
Basic patterning from existing garment
Ah ha
While doing research for my class I am teaching at Rum I discovered an answer to a question I have had.
Are Sashiko/boro related to quilting in some way?
The answer is yes! Crazy quilts are pieces of fabric stitched together to make fabric warmer just like the process of boro does. When I first learned about Sashiko and Boro I thought boro was just the running stitch and Sashiko was more the decorative stitching. I now know that boro is the process of stitching fabric layers together. The sewing process no matter the stitch style is Sashiko.
The Seattle museum has examples that have made the connections in the book I have been reading. It has not become a place to visit and do some research.